[Comm2011] OmegaCAM small update

E. Helmich e.m.helmich at astro.rug.nl
Tue Mar 29 15:57:37 CEST 2011


Today I've wrapped up installing AWE. Attached are two pictures showing 
the telescope as it's pointed probably as far down as it can.  OmegaCAM 
is mounted, as are the counter weights (you could probably trap a bird 
in the cables at the back though!).

There is going to be a little delay. Olaf Iwert and Christoph Geimer are 
forced to go down because they have already exceeded the maximum two 
weeks continuous stay on the mountain. They are not happy with that - 
they would rather wrap up now. Consequence of this is that they cannot 
finish before the VST1B tracking tuning period starts, so there will be 
no actual exposures yet (the CCDs are not connected at the moment). 
Bernard will try to organize with Piettro Shipani some time for OCAM 
during VST1B. I may go back up one or two days earlier from my 5 days 
stay in Santiago, same for Andrea Baruffolo.

A note on the hardware situation. There are three places where we can work:

1) VST dome (only really a makeshift workplace)

2) VLT control room (there is a corner reserved for VST & VISTA, with 
total 6 terminals and 12 screens, but clearly it's completely geared for 
VISTA at the moment).

3) VLTI control room (something like 2 terminals and 4 screens available 
for OmegaCAM, and the terminals are directly connected to the OmegaCAM 

I think the VLTI control room is probably the easiest. I'm not sure 
what's going to be the most convenient when we're doing nighttime 
observations, and VISTA people will be there as well.




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