[Comm2011] More...

John P. McFarland mcfarland at astro.rug.nl
Thu Mar 31 12:51:40 CEST 2011

Hi Ewout,

It appears that Koen has written the equivalent of an automated, high 
resolution version of the MIDAS procedure for getting the best focus 
positions out of the focus sequences.  I am now trying to see where best my 
resources can be used regarding this.  It seems to me that using the MIDAS 
procedure is now deprecated and likely not even worth my time.  Any 
solutions reached with Koen's methods will be far better than anything I 
could do here.  Is Koen's procedure portable to here, or should I not worry 
about this aspect of the tilt determination?  Please discuss this with Koen 
and see if there is anything I can help with regarding the tilt 



On Wed, 30 Mar 2011, helmich wrote:

> Some more info about Tilt/PSF.
> For the benefit of Koen's tilt code Andrea changed the Focus template a
> little. A single normal science exposure it taken ahead of the Focus
> sequence. This image is used to define the x,y starting points to search in
> the sextractor catalogs for the stellar sequences.
> Koen believes he's managed to disentangle the effects of the telescope
> (optics + tilt) and instrument tilt. This by taking 5 focus sequences at 0,
> -90, 180, 90, 0 degrees rotator. Tonight he'll talk it through with Pietro.
> Ewout

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