[Comm2011] Some calibration results

Gijs Verdoes Kleijn verdoes at astro.rug.nl
Thu Mar 31 14:55:59 CEST 2011

Dear Ewout,

The linearity plots you send show linearity behavior well within specs 
according to us here.
Gert's earlier conclusion was based on a misunderstanding.

Best wishes, Gijs

G. Sikkema wrote:
> I note that
> -the Linearity in the plot seems completely chaotic for chip #82
> -Linearity only occurs for counts below <~ 35000
> Is there anything known about all these (regular) patterns in the 
> (Raw)DomeFlats?
> cheers and keep up the good work,
> Gert S.
> helmich wrote:
>> See attachments.
>> Note that the rawbias level plot has individual scaling (I couldn't 
>> get the margins right, but if you zoom in it's still readable).  It is 
>> for one 24h period. Where a scientific notation shows up above the 
>> plot, the whole range is within 1 ADU.
>> The readnoise plot clearly shows the jump after the FIERA filtering 
>> was adjusted.
>> Linearity is of only one Gain template.
>> Ewout
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|dr Gijs Verdoes Kleijn         |   astronomer                     |
|e-mail: verdoes at astro.rug.nl   |   OmegaCEN / Kapteyn Institute / |
|www: www.astro.rug.nl/~verdoes |   Target                         |
|tel: +31-50-3638326            |   University of Groningen        |
|mobile: +31-654658050          |   postal address:                |
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