[Comm2011] Comissioning logs day 2

John P. McFarland mcfarland at astro.rug.nl
Sun May 1 13:15:51 CEST 2011



On Sun, 1 May 2011, John P. McFarland wrote:

> Hi All,
> There were many problems last night including a hidden interlock and a
> stubborn dome shutter that cost at least 8 hours.  Once those were solved
> sometime in the middle of the night, the telescope/instrument software had
> huge problems, that according to the assistants could easily have been
> caused by the upgrade to VLT2010 during the day.  I think Andrea will have
> his hands full today sorting it out.  In the end, we did manage to get about
> a dozen exposures.  Only the first 4 are documented in the log, but the rest
> are in the message from Koen below.  I will integrate those entries into the
> logs this evening sometime.
> Cheers,
> -=John
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> Date: Sun, 1 May 2011 11:11:23 +0200
> From: Konrad Kuijken <kuijken at strw.leidenuniv.nl>
> To: John P. McFarland <mcfarland at astro.rug.nl>
> Subject: logs apr30/may 1
> John,
> here are the logs of the data we took in 'engineering mode' after out epic
> struggles with telescope, dome and instrument:
> OBS121_0007 test - probe in the field
> go to alt 64 field at 181524 -502256
> take exposures at 4 rotator angles, for checking effect of shimming
> 0008 ABS PA 180 10 sec r
> 0009 ABS PA 90
> 0010 ABS PA 0
> 0011 ABS PA -90
> test of aligment of rotator PA=0 with North. Same field
> 0012 skyPA=0 10 sec r
> 0013 offset 500" N
> pair of defocussed images (+/- 0.2mm M2, similar to aux ccds). Same coordinates
> as before (not offset)
> nominal focus was about 0.985. Seeing not great so not super accurate. Done
> with VST IA on probe.
> 0014 abs PA 180 M2 focus 1.185  (ie nominal +0.2)
> 0015                       M2 focus 0.785  (ie nominal -0.2)
> same at abs PA=0
> 0016 abs PA 0 M2 focus 1.185
> 0017                                    0.785
> 0018                                    0.985 (nominal)
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