[Issues] Some AW_UTIL functions cause lost RPC connection errors
D.R. Boxhoorn
danny at astro.rug.nl
Wed Mar 5 11:49:29 CET 2008
Hoi Hugo,
Could you please try again - with a 35 minute delay - with a new connection
and report whether the problem still occurs?
On Tue, Mar 04, 2008 at 11:41:32AM +0100, Hugo Buddelmeijer wrote:
> Hi all,
> It appears that some of the functions in AW_UTIL cause the ORA-28576
> error: lost RPC connection to external procedure agent. This means that
> scripts (or sessions) using these functions cannot last longer than 30
> minutes.
> E.g. running this query twice with a 35 minute delay will raise above
> 5.0/3600.0))". Other queries, such as simple SourceList queries, do not
> raise this error.
> The AssociatList class uses above function to find associations. The
> consequences of this is that it is not possible to create several
> AssociateLists in a script/session if the time between their creation is
> more than 30 minutes.
> Is there a way around this problem? Am I doing something wrong?
> Attached scripts show the timeout in question. rpcTimeOutTest.py
> compares several queries which are specifically crafted for this test
> and would not be used in a regular session. testAL8.py tries two
> associations with an (artificial) delay, such a situation can be quite
> common.
> Greetings,
> Hugo
> #!/usr/bin/env awe
> from astro.main.AssociateList import AssociateList
> from astro.main.SourceList import *
> import time
> slid1 = 135751 # 2df_R_13
> slid2 = 136161 # 2df_V_13
> slid3 = 136121 # 2df_I_13
> sl1 = (SourceList.SLID == slid1)[0]
> sl2 = (SourceList.SLID == slid2)[0]
> sl3 = (SourceList.SLID == slid3)[0]
> # commenting out either the first association
> # or the sleep results in no error
> al1 = AssociateList()
> al1.input_lists = [sl1, sl2]
> al1.make()
> al1.commit()
> time.sleep(35*60)
> al2 = AssociateList()
> al2.input_lists = [sl1, sl3]
> al2.make()
> al2.commit()
> # output:
> """
> virgo15:~/phd/awe>awe testAL8.py
> [virgo15] 13:38:31 - Preparing for the matching
> [virgo15] 13:40:01 - Found 2893 sources in SourceList with SLID = 135751
> [virgo15] 13:44:54 - Found 2901 sources in SourceList with SLID = 136161
> [virgo15] 13:44:54 - Looking for pairs
> [virgo15] 13:45:34 - Looking for closest pairs
> [virgo15] 13:45:35 - Filtered out 79 pairs
> [virgo15] 13:45:35 - Found 2456 pairs
> [virgo15] 13:45:35 - Inserting first half of pairs
> [virgo15] 13:45:35 - Inserting second half of pairs
> [virgo15] 13:45:36 - Inserting null associations from last input list
> [virgo15] 13:45:36 - Inserting null associations from first input list
> [virgo15] 13:45:36 - Created Chain AssociateList with ALID = 62441, name = and 3528 associates!
> [virgo15] 14:20:37 - Preparing for the matching
> [virgo15] 14:21:44 - Found 2893 sources in SourceList with SLID = 135751
> [virgo15] 14:22:46 - Found 6590 sources in SourceList with SLID = 136121
> [virgo15] 14:22:46 - Looking for pairs
> Traceback (most recent call last):
> File "testAL8.py", line 23, in ?
> al2.make()
> File "/Users/users/buddel/phd/awe/cvs/opipe/astro/main/AssociateList.py", line 146, in make
> self.associate_sourcelists()
> File "/Users/users/buddel/phd/awe/cvs/opipe/astro/main/AssociateList.py", line 207, in associate_sourcelists
> self.associate_lists(list1=self.input_lists[0], list2=self.input_lists[1])
> File "/Users/users/buddel/phd/awe/cvs/opipe/astro/main/AssociateList.py", line 1131, in associate_lists
> c.execute(Tquery)
> cx_Oracle.DatabaseError: ORA-28576: lost RPC connection to external procedure agent
> """
> from common.database.Database import database
> import sys,time
> # Simple function to do queries
> def do_query(q):
> database.connect()
> c = database.cursor()
> c.execute(q)
> results = c.fetchall()
> c.close()
> return results
> # Determine what query we want to test
> if not len(sys.argv) == 2:
> print """Usage: "awe %s <number>" where number is
> 1 for simple query of a SourceList
> 2 for NeighBoursTest query
> 3 for RadiusTest query""" % (sys.argv[0])
> sys.exit()
> if sys.argv[1] == '2':
> # This query will fail the second time
> elif sys.argv[1] == '3':
> # This query will also fail
> query = 'SELECT * FROM TABLE(AWOPER.AW_UTIL.RADIUSTEST(15, 243.000000, 27.000000, 5.000000/3600.0))'
> else:
> # This query will succeed
> # Tell the user about the query
> print "query:",query
> # Do the query for the first time, will always work
> data1 = do_query(query)
> print "data1: %i rows" % (len(data1))
> # The RPC Timeout will occur after about half an hour
> print "sleeping for 35 minutes"
> minutes = 35
> for i in range(minutes):
> print "sleeping minute %i/%i" % (i,minutes)
> time.sleep(60)
> # Try again, it will fail in query 2 and 3
> data2 = do_query(query)
> print "data2: %i rows" % (len(data2))
> # cx_Oracle.DatabaseError: ORA-28576: lost RPC connection to external procedure agent
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