[Issues] Groningen Peregrine cluster down

Ewout Helmich helmich at astro.rug.nl
Tue Mar 21 17:31:52 CET 2017

Hi again,

Below the message from the CIT regarding Peregrine. It's up again, but
apparently using a workaround...

Kind regards,
Ewout Helmich

Dear users,

The work-around is now fully in place, and we have tested all components
of the cluster. That means the cluster is once again online for all users.

Kind regards

Wim Nap

On 03/20/2017 04:54 PM, Ewout Helmich wrote:
> Hi,
> Unfortunately the issues with Peregrine persist, even though part of the
> switch was replaced. It is not clear yet when the cluster will be up
> fully again.
> Regards,
> Ewout Helmich
> ------------------------
> Dear Peregrine users,
> As you probably have noticed, there are still issues with the cluster.
> The login nodes, lost their access to /home and /data. 
> We are still working on fixing this issue.
> Kind  regards,
> Fokke Dijkstra
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