[Issues] AstroWise/OmegaCen data servers up, DPU in progress

D.R. Boxhoorn danny at astro.rug.nl
Fri Apr 14 13:42:44 CEST 2023

Dear Astro-Wisers,

The AstroWise data servers have been migrated successfully to a new
physical location and they are available again.
The DPU now serves the new HPC backend Hábrók-
However, jobs that are submitted will not be executed. The exact reason for
this is still under investigation and we hope to have more information or
solution sometime next week.

This means you can work from the command line, that all web services are
available, except the DPU, and that you can store and retrieve files.
If you observe any unexpected behaviour let us know.

Thank you for your cooperation,

Willem-Jan & Danny
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