[Issues] DPU online

W.J. Vriend wjvriend at astro.rug.nl
Mon Apr 17 14:34:52 CEST 2023

Dear Astro-Wisers,

The AstroWISE DPU is now available serving the new Habrok cluster. There 
should be no difference in using the DPU, you can submits jobs as you 
always did. There is one change, at the moment we only support Python 
3.9, older Python versions are not supported anymore.

If you observe any unexpected behavior please let us know.

Thank you for your cooperation,

Danny & Willem-Jan

|Willem-Jan Vriend             | Software Engineer                     |
|e-mail: wjvriend at astro.rug.nl | OmegaCEN / Kapteyn Institute / Target |
|tel: +31-50-3632535           | University of Groningen               |
|mobile: +31-651548972         | postal address:                       |
|                              | Kapteyn Astronomical Institute        |
|                              | Postbus 800, 9700 AV, Groningen       |
|                              | The Netherlands                       |

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