Mario Radovich mario.radovich at oapd.inaf.it
Thu Jul 12 11:55:55 CEST 2012

Dear Gijs and Jeffrey

I fully agree ! Just one note, I will be on travel from July 19 to July 
30. Then probably I will take holidays in August. In any case, even if 
on holidays I will read mails etc., so we can keep in touch.



On 07/12/2012 11:46 AM, Gijs Verdoes Kleijn wrote:
> Dear Mario and Jeffrey,
> Conclusion at yesterday's telecon part on KiDS-SDSS comparison:
> -Jeffrey has gained experience and has Astro-WISE code in place to do 
> KiDS-N vs SDSS comparison massively.
> -Mario has code and gained experience how to do the comparison best 
> (MAG_AUTO vs APER, statistics etcetera).
> I propose as next step that Jeffrey and Mario exchange their 
> experience and then use this mailinglist thread to propose next steps.
> Best wishes, Gijs
> On 05/25/2012 05:17 PM, Mario Radovich wrote:
>> Dear Gijs
>> I have updated the usual photometry page with how I am using 
>> mag_aper. Unfortunately I had some technical problems and I can't put 
>> the table and plots yet. About how to include this check in the 
>> pipeline, I have two issues:
>> 1. I extract the SDSS photometry for stars sending a query to CAS 
>> using a java script (http://casjobs.sdss.org/CasJobs/casjobscl.aspx), 
>> and retrieving data for the table "Star". I can provide the query, 
>> but I do not know how to do this within the AW environment
>> 2. I included some excerpts of my R code, not the whole code (I do no 
>> think it would be so useful, I have several libraries called inside). 
>> Let me know if you need more details, or anything else may be helpful.
>> Cheers
>>    Mario
>> On 05/24/2012 09:20 AM, Gijs Verdoes Kleijn wrote:
>>> Dear Mario,
>>> To move ahead with our initiative to get KiDS-N vs SDSS running 
>>> routinely as part of the KiDS pipeline in Astro-WISE:
>>> Let me know when you can share your current code with us. Please 
>>> write a brief how-to that explains what steps are done by which part.
>>> My expectation is that we can generalize the method to arbitrary 
>>> catalogs. For example APASS, http://www.aavso.org/apass .
>>> Best wishes, Gijs

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