[KIDS] QC catalogs for KiDS-INT-DR2, single-band sourcelists

Gijs Verdoes Kleijn verdoes at astro.rug.nl
Thu Nov 15 15:33:15 CET 2012


The QC for KiDS catalogs falls in 2 parts: single-band and 4-band QC.


We have the following QC checks in place in KiDS-CAT (thanks!), is my 

       FWHM vs SNR. DONE in KiDS-CAT. NN+HB can send algorithm/code to
    HB so Hugo can check implementation in AWE.
       star/galaxy separation. DONE in KiDS-CAT. NN+HB can send
    algorithm/code to HB so Hugo can check implementation in AWE.
       limiting magnitude. FLB can send a matlab (actually octave
    script) performing the analysis of the S/N vs. 2''mag diagram to HB
    Hugo Buddelmeijer who adds algorithm to qcSourceLists_INTDR2.py

  The NN+HB / FLB+HB indicate that I think it will be useful to 
implement those in Astro-WISE acting upon the ingested KiDS-CAT 
sourcelists. Nicola and Francesco can send the relevant info/code to 
Hugo Buddelmeijer who coordinates the implementation in Astro-WISE.

The following QC checks are planned for implementation:

    HB/DONE?: The qualityWISE link for KiDS-CAT sourcelists in
    Astro-WISE (example link in DBVIEWER
    directs to the QualityWISE pages of their coadds. These show catalog
    based information: see example
    These plots are NOT based on the KiDS-INT-DR2 catalogs. They use a
    different sextractor run. Should we do something about this?
    FLB: completeness. FLB: you probably have best insight now how to do
    GVK: spatial distribution of sources and flag values. GVK's
    proposal: a KiDS images with source/flag information overlayed as step1?

Summing these up: the CATALOG-QC-TEAM should verify we are not missing 
crucial basic ones:

    CATALOG-QC-TEAM: CFHTLS at Terapix had its final release (T0007).
    One product is synoptic table of CFHTLS
    <http://terapix.iap.fr/cplt/T0007/table_syn_T0007.html>, giving
    access to QC plots/numbers. Which ones do you think are important at
    this stage for KiDS QC?

What does CATALOG-QC-TEAM deliver for KiDS-INT-DR2 single-band 
My proposal:
1.the QualityWISE page: those we have in hand, they come for free with 
Astro-WISE coadd production. Input on improving the plots presented 
there is welcome.
2. A set of additional plots and/or numbers per catalog that complements 
the QualityWISE page with KiDS-INT-DR2 specific stuff. This can be 
either presented as one page per coadd or gallery of a certain plot for 
the 52 single-band sourcelists. Danny is looking into how we can 
implement such a presentation. I see this set as an experiment from 
which we can choose how to develop QualityWISE for single-band 
sourcelists further after KiDS team meeting in December.

Discussion has opened: all input welcomed (keep emailing 
kids at astro-wise.org!)

Above information and more is contained at our wiki spot for 
CATALOG-QC-KIDS-INT-DR2 for single-bands:

Regarding 4-BAND CATALOGS: I propose to leave that effort as a separate 
task. Details will follow in another email.

Best wishes, Gijs

|dr Gijs Verdoes Kleijn         |   astronomer                     |
|e-mail:verdoes at astro.rug.nl    |   OmegaCEN / Kapteyn Institute / |
|www:www.astro.rug.nl/~verdoes  |   Target                         |
|tel: +31-50-3638326            |   University of Groningen        |
|mobile: +31-654658050          |   postal address:                |
|                               |   Kapteyn Astronomical Institute |
|                               |   Postbus 800, 9700 AV, Groningen|
|                               |   The Netherlands                |

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