[KIDS] QC coadds for KiDS-INT-DR2

Gijs Verdoes Kleijn verdoes at astro.rug.nl
Tue Nov 20 16:31:25 CET 2012

Thanks for input Lino,

That comparison is in the realm of QC catalogs with Mario, using his 
If I'm correct using DR8 and aperture corrections.

Jeffrey, you have KiDS-SDSS comparison working within Astro-WISE, right?
If I'm correct using DR7 and no aperture corrections.
If above is correct: would be good to know if we can update the 
Astro-WISE version to DR8+aperture corrections.

Best wishes, Gijs

Op 20-11-2012 15:47, aniello grado schreef:
> Dear Gijs and Ewout,
> in my opinion we should definitely add the photometric comparison with
> SLOAN, i.e. plots with residuals vs RA and DEC.
> Lino
> On Tue, Nov 20, 2012 at 1:59 PM, Gijs Verdoes Kleijn
> <verdoes at astro.rug.nl> wrote:
>> A first prototype of our quality-assessment table for coadds is available.
>> Please find it :
>> http://wiki.astro-wise.org/projects:kids:data_deliveries:internaldelivery2.0_scratch#data
>> It contains links per coadd to its quality-wise page plus its PSF end-to-end
>> figure.
>> The final quality-assessment table shall be delivered next week.
>> I propose to finalize the content and lay-out of the full quality-assessment
>> table by Friday this week.
>> So first question is: which additional quality assessment results should we
>> add?
>> Best wishes, Gijs and Ewout
>> On 11/15/2012 12:13 PM, Gijs Verdoes Kleijn wrote:
>> Dear COADD-QC-TEAM, dear Nicola as lead of QC catalog team.
>> We have the following QC checks in place:
>> DONE: visual inspection (using QualityWISE), to identify processing issues
>> DONE?/EMH: PSF difference between CoaddedRegriddedFrame and input
>> ReducedScienceFrames: see verify method in RegriddedFrame.py
>> DONE: consistency check on input RegriddedFrames
>> These are either in the general verify method for CoaddedRegriddedFrames in
>> RegriddedFrame.py or the KiDS-INT-DR2 specific code: qcCoadd_INTDR2.py
>> I propose as next step deciding which additional checks are needed for
>> KiDS-INT-DR2 at coadd level:
>>   * AG+GVK+team: completion of QC coadd checks, using QC criteria coadd as
>> starting point.
>> For this we need to define the scope of QC coadd: where does QC coadd end
>> and QC catalog begin. I think a clear division is to leave to QC catalog
>> team als those QC checks that can only be done well with good catalogs. So
>> also those that check rather the coadd quality then catalog quality. QC
>> coadd lead Lino + Gijs can be liaison to QC catalog team to help the QC
>> catalog team in those cases.
>> What does QC coadd team deliver for KiDS-INT-DR2?:
>> My proposal:
>> 1.the QualityWISE page: those we have in hand, they come for free with
>> Astro-WISE coadd production. Input on improving the plots presented there is
>> welcome.
>> 2. A set of additional plots and/or numbers per coadd that complements the
>> QualityWISE page with KiDS-INT-DR2 specific stuff. This can be either
>> presented as one page per coadd or gallery of a certain plot for the 52
>> coadds. Danny is looking into this. I see this set as an experiment from
>> which we can choose how to develop QualityWISE further after KiDS team
>> meeting in December.
>> Discussion has opened: all input welcomed (keep emailing
>> kids at astro-wise.org!)
>> Above information and more is contained at our wiki spot for
>> http://wiki.astro-wise.org/projects:kids:data_deliveries:internaldelivery2.0_scratch#qc_based_on_coaddedregriddedframes
>> Best wishes, Gijs
>> --
>> --------------------------------------------------------------------
>> |dr Gijs Verdoes Kleijn         |   astronomer                     |
>> |e-mail: verdoes at astro.rug.nl   |   OmegaCEN / Kapteyn Institute / |
>> |www: www.astro.rug.nl/~verdoes |   Target                         |
>> |tel: +31-50-3638326            |   University of Groningen        |
>> |mobile: +31-654658050          |   postal address:                |
>> |                               |   Kapteyn Astronomical Institute |
>> |                               |   Postbus 800, 9700 AV, Groningen|
>> |                               |   The Netherlands                |
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>> KiDS mailing list
>> KiDS at astro-wise.org
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>> --
>> --------------------------------------------------------------------
>> |dr Gijs Verdoes Kleijn         |   astronomer                     |
>> |e-mail: verdoes at astro.rug.nl   |   OmegaCEN / Kapteyn Institute / |
>> |www: www.astro.rug.nl/~verdoes |   Target                         |
>> |tel: +31-50-3638326            |   University of Groningen        |
>> |mobile: +31-654658050          |   postal address:                |
>> |                               |   Kapteyn Astronomical Institute |
>> |                               |   Postbus 800, 9700 AV, Groningen|
>> |                               |   The Netherlands                |
>> --------------------------------------------------------------------
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>> KiDS mailing list
>> KiDS at astro-wise.org
>> http://listman.astro-wise.org/mailman/listinfo/kids

|dr Gijs Verdoes Kleijn         |   astronomer                     |
|e-mail: verdoes at astro.rug.nl   |   OmegaCEN / Kapteyn Institute / |
|www: www.astro.rug.nl/~verdoes |   Target                         |
|tel: +31-50-3638326            |   University of Groningen        |
|mobile: +31-654658050          |   postal address:                |
|                               |   Kapteyn Astronomical Institute |
|                               |   Postbus 800, 9700 AV, Groningen|
|                               |   The Netherlands                |

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