[KIDS] KIDSCAT mag lim implementation

Nicola R. Napolitano napolita at na.astro.it
Thu Nov 22 12:55:12 CET 2012

Hi Jelte, Gijs, all,

please find attached a plot where the Francesco's procedure mag_lim 
difference with respect the expected values (Deltamag=m_lim-m_ex) are 
plotted against the FWHM in all the 52 fields. There is a trend with the 
FWHM as expected and definitely the mean discrepancy is larger than 0.3 
mag in general. The situation with the i' band is particularly worrisome 
and Francesco has double checked that there is nothing wrong there.

We will possibly have a final assessment on the i-band images after the 
final QC. We are planning to possibly experiment a little more in the 
catalog space, however it might be the case to check some different 
coadd combining method.



On 11/22/12 12:00 PM, Jelte de Jong wrote:
> Dear Francesco,
> the limiting mags, as written in the original proposal, are the following:
> u: 24.8
> g: 25.4
> r: 25.2
> i: 24.2
> (see also for example on the KiDS website: 
> http://kids.strw.leidenuniv.nl/techspecs.php).
> Seems to me that we're off by about 0.4 mag, of which 0.3 is probably 
> attributable to the decrease of throughput of the system due to mirror 
> reflectivity?
> Btw, we should be able to see this by looking at the limiting mags as 
> function of observation date. Would be interesting to verify this.
> Cheers,
> Jelte
> On 22/11/12 09:53, Francesco La Barbera wrote:
>> Dear Gijs, et al.,
>> On Thu, Nov 22, 2012 at 6:44 AM, Gijs Verdoes Kleijn 
>> <verdoes at astro.rug.nl <mailto:verdoes at astro.rug.nl>> wrote:
>>     Dear Francesco et al,
>>     Many thanks for the input Francesco. I bring this conversation
>>     now into the mailinglist space to ease following the discussion.
>> OK!
>>         I ran the procedure for all 52 fields. The procedure produces
>>         a single plot, with SNR as a function
>>         of 2'' diameter mag. One example is attached here, for the
>>         field KIDS_185.0_1.5.r.
>>         Black points are all good (flag==0) objects in the field. In
>>         red you can see the median trend, while
>>         the blue curve is the analytic fit
>>         p_1*flux/(p_2*flux+p_3)
>>         where p_1, p_2, and p_3 are free fitting parameters.
>>     Looks good! Could you share the script you are using? Then Hugo
>>     and I will make a python version of it as part of the QC script
>>     for sourcelists.
>> I'm attaching here the fortran program, which is part of KIDSCAT now. 
>> In order to compile it, you
>> need the port library+pgplot. Binary versions of these libraries were 
>> already included in the first KIDSCAT internal release. You should 
>> have them already, otherwise, pls, just lemme know.
>>     The series of 4 (5?) curves are due to discrete steps in
>>     integration times due to the dither pattern, right?
>>     The displacement in magnitude seem in rough agreement with that idea:
>>     >>> -2.5*math.log10(4/5.)
>>     0.24227503252014099
>>     >>> -2.5*math.log10(3/5.)
>>     0.55462187404089092
>>     >>> -2.5*math.log10(1/5.)
>>     1.7474250108400469
>>     >>> -2.5*math.log10(2/5.)
>>     0.99485002168009395
>> Yup, different patterns correspond to objects in regions with 
>> different texp (because of dithering).
>> Your figures further confirm this.
>>         The analytic fit is used to compute the typical mag
>>         corresponding to SNR_LIMIT=5 (see dashed and
>>         solid black lines in the plot). This is our limiting mag.
>>         The procedure also computes the same kind of limit but for
>>         different SNR_LIMIT(i.e. 10 and 15). These
>>         values are stored in an ascii file (MLIM.dat), into the
>>         subdirectory OUTPUT_RES.
>>     Good. Please store the analytic fit parameters as well. Those
>>     will come in handy.
>> Done. In the ascii file MLIM.dat, we also have now a third column 
>> with p_i.
>>         I made some tests according to what we mentioned some time ago:
>>         1) I can confirm that computing SNR from either FLUXERR or
>>         MAGERR doesn't make any difference at all (just a sanity check);
>>     Good.
>>         2) using different detection tresholds does not change
>>         significantly the mag lim estimates; the second attached plot
>>         shows the effect of decreasing DETECT_TRESH from 2.5 to 2.0
>>         for the same fit as in the example. The mag lim goes
>>         from 24.77 to 24.78!!
>>     Good to know MAG_APER at 2" diameter is very insensitive to this
>>     change in DETECT_THRESH. That might be different for e..g,
>>     MAG_ISO. For now I think it is enough to restrict the lim. mag.
>>     analysis to MAG_APER with 2". For those we have predictions we
>>     can compare to (in KiDS proposal). KiDS team meeting is a good
>>     opportunity if/how we need to extend the lim. mag. analysis.
>> Could you kindly provide us the predictions (the ones in hte 
>> porposal) for different wavebands ? We (Nicola+me) are performing a 
>> systematic comparison to predicted mag_lim's, and want to be sure to 
>> use correct values.
>> Of course, the meeting will be an excellenet opportunity to discuss 
>> possible extensions....
>> Cheers!
>> F.
>>     Best wishes, Gijs
>>         Pls, lemme know whatever comment/suggestion you have. Also,
>>         do we want/need compute other limiting mags
>>         (e.g. using MAGAUTO/different apertures)???
>>         Cheers,
>>         Francesco
>>     -- 
>>     --------------------------------------------------------------------
>>     |dr Gijs Verdoes Kleijn         |   astronomer           |
>>     |e-mail:verdoes at astro.rug.nl
>>     <mailto:e-mail%3Averdoes at astro.rug.nl>    | OmegaCEN / Kapteyn
>>     Institute / |
>>     |www:www.astro.rug.nl/~verdoes
>>     <http://www.astro.rug.nl/%7Everdoes>  | Target                  
>>           |
>>     |tel: +31-50-3638326 <tel:%2B31-50-3638326>            |
>>     University of Groningen        |
>>     |mobile: +31-654658050 <tel:%2B31-654658050>          |   postal
>>     address:                |
>>     |                               |   Kapteyn Astronomical Institute |
>>     |                               |   Postbus 800, 9700 AV, Groningen|
>>     |                               |   The Netherlands            |
>>     --------------------------------------------------------------------
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> -- 
> Dr. Jelte T. A. de Jong
> Sterrewacht Leiden
> Leiden University, Leiden, the Netherlands
> E:jelte at strw.leidenuniv.nl
> T: +31-(0)715275818
> W: jelte.jdejong.net
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Nicola R. Napolitano
Research Astronomer
INAF - Observatory of Capodimonte
Salita Moiariello, 16, 80131, Napoli (Italy)
phone: +39 081 5575509; fax: +39 081 456710
email: napolita at na.astro.it
web page: http://www.na.astro.it/~napolita

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