[KIDS] INTDR2 catalog ingestion

Hugo Buddelmeijer buddel at astro.rug.nl
Fri Nov 23 13:58:48 CET 2012

Hi Nicola and Francesco,

Thanks, the difference in the catalogs is clear to me now.

On 23/11/12 12:33, Nicola R. Napolitano wrote:
> On 11/23/12 12:20 PM, Hugo Buddelmeijer wrote:
>> As I understood it, there is a first Sextractor run to measure the
>> SEEING_FWHM of the final Sextractor run. It would be useful to ingest
>> these as well. However this does not have priority.
> these are .cat.1. These are the ones obtained with the default .sex
> configuration. They might be useful only if one wants to reproduce the
> catalog with the assumed first guess FWHM, I don't think this might be
> any particular useful.

The goal is to capture how the FWHM is determined, for experimentation 
and reproducability. Storing the full FWHM catalog might indeed be 


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