[KIDS] list of coadds to be inspected

aniello grado aniello.grado at gmail.com
Wed Feb 27 09:22:08 CET 2013

Hi Ewout,

of course the best place where to create/adjust the masks for
satellite tracks is on the single exposures. In this way we will not
loose useful area on the final coadds. Clearly this is x5 effort and,
even more, it should be done before swarp, that means stop the
processing, improve the masking and then continue the processing until
the end.


On Wed, Feb 27, 2013 at 7:05 AM, Ewout M. Helmich <helmich at astro.rug.nl> wrote:
> Hi Lino,
> Nope, I opened up the coadds in ds9, and made the region files there. The
> latest mask image (FITS files) from Zhuoyi should have these regions
> incorporated. I think there shapes clearly identify them as manually created
> polygons/boxes.
> Regards,
> Ewout
> On 02/26/2013 09:56 PM, aniello grado wrote:
>> Hi Nancy and Jelte,
>> sorry for my previous e-mail it was clearly out of sync!!. Thanks to
>> Nancy for the job to access easily the coadds and all the related
>> info.
>> I have a thought about the mask. Now the mask are provided as fits
>> image, but it would be better to have also the ds9 region file in
>> order to overplot it on the fits coadd image and check more accurately
>> the mask.
>> I have a question about manual mask production made by Ewout: were
>> they created at the level of single exposure?
>> thanks
>> Lino
>> On Tue, Feb 26, 2013 at 8:21 PM, Nancy Irisarri <irisarri at astro.rug.nl>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> Here is the link to the synoptic table:
>>> http://home.strw.leidenuniv.nl/~irisarri/eso_synoptic_table/dr1/obs.php
>>> As you can see it is possible to sort by 'user'. And in dithers.html you
>>> can change the part in the URL after '#' to go to a desired observing
>>> block. The mask thumbnails, which were recently created and ingested,
>>> will
>>> be added tonight to the table.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Nancy
>>> On Tue, 26 Feb 2013 16:40:22 +0100, Jelte de Jong
>>> <jelte at strw.leidenuniv.nl> wrote:
>>>> Hi Lino,
>>>> thanks for getting together the visual inspection team and dividing the
>>>> coadds up!
>>>> Two points regarding your email:
>>>> - the 220 coadds are the complete set, nothing is missing; there are 55
>>>> tiles in KiDS-ESO-DR1.
>>>> - we agreed during the telecon to use the synoptic table for the visual
>>>> inspection, since there you have more inspection plots available than in
>>>> QW, including the sourcelist inspection plots. However, from the html
>>>> files you sent it is not straightforward to use the synoptic table. Did
>>>> you divide the coadds by tile? For using the table it would be good to
>>>> have the list of tilenames that each person has to inspect.
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Jelte
>>>> On 26/02/13 16:29, aniello grado wrote:
>>>>> Dear all,
>>>>> please find attached for each of you an html files with the direct
>>>>> links to the QualityWise page of the coadds. At the moment 220 coadds
>>>>> are available, no matter, I volunteer to inspect the missing files
>>>>> when they will be ready.
>>>>> The files have been produced with a script that you can find at the
>>>>> page
>>> http://wiki.astro-wise.org/projects:kids:data_deliveries:kids-eso-dr1:qualitycontrol
>>>>> Lino
>>>> --
>>>> Dr. Jelte T. A. de Jong
>>>> KiDS project manager
>>>> Sterrewacht Leiden
>>>> Leiden University, Leiden, the Netherlands
>>>> E: jelte at strw.leidenuniv.nl
>>>> T: +31-(0)715275818
>>>> W: jelte.jdejong.net


Aniello Grado, PhD

Ricercatore Astronomo
INAF- Osservatorio Astronomico di Capodimonte
Via Moiariello 16 80131 Napoli
Tel: 0039 0815575547
Fax: 0039 0815575433


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