[News] Some issues

Luiz DaCosta ldacosta at eso.org
Thu Sep 11 15:22:15 CEST 2003

Actually, it would be interesting to have the program-id at least
a couple fo days before so that we can request the data beforehand


Dr. Mark Neeser wrote:

>Hi Luiz,
>yes, I would be interested.  At the moment, Jan has gone on
>vacation, so I would only suggest that we get together sometime
>after Sept. 26.
>On Thu, 11 Sep 2003, Luiz DaCosta wrote:
>>I wonder if you would be interested in coming to ESO and getting a demo
>>from B. Vandame using the C-library only for the same data which we
>>could ftp
>>to ESO - I would be very interested
>>Dr. Mark Neeser wrote:
>>>Hello All,
>>>As a test of data reduction routines (astro-wise vs. Bonn pipeline vs.
>>>IRAF) we have immersed ourselves (primarily Jan Snigula and
>>>Yuliana Goranova) in the astro-wise pipeline using our WFI data.
>>>Here some results/comments:
>>>- Dataset used for testing: WiFI- images taken over 6 nights
>>> (approx. 50GB).
>>> Time for testreduction: approx. 1 week (most of the delays were caused
>>> by unannounced pipeline changes occurring during the reduction.
>>> We tried to implement our cosmic filtering routine (cosmicfits from
>>> Claus Goessl) in the pipeline. This attempt failed, due to the
>>> current handling of bad columns/pixels in the images and the
>>> existance of negative pixel values. The latter problem can be
>>> circumvented in the program call, but the bad columns/pixels would
>>> need to be replaced (PRIOR to executing our cosmic filter routine) with
>>> a well defined NaN value, e.g. 0.  Essentially, our cosmic filter
>>> routine treats the bad columns as cosmic rays and spends an inordinate
>>> amount of time trying to detect/correct them.  It would be easy to
>>> mask these as NaN's prior to running "cosmicfits".
>>> Bad colums in general must be taken care of at an earlier stage of
>>> the pipeline than currently implemented (see example ps
>>> file). This was already discussed by Mark and Roeland.
>>>- SWARP:
>>> The pipeline currently uses a beta version of Swarp (swarp 2.0b),
>>> that fails to create usable weight images.  Reasonable weight
>>> images are essential for obtaining a fast run-time with cosmicfits,
>>> and are crucial when the frames on which cosmic rays are detected
>>> have strong intensity slopes.
>>> Unannounced pipeline changes that change object definitions, require
>>> changes to the database, that can be time consuming, given the fact,
>>> that we have to figure out the changes from the code, and guess
>>> the needed Database changes. Usually Danny sends out an e-mail
>>> explaining the required changes (usually after talking with Roeland
>>> about the changes in the pipeline),  but these e-mail come about 2
>>> days after the changes, causing severe interruptions.
>>> Suggestion: Create a stable branch of the pipeline in the CVS with
>>> weekly? updates from a development branch, and the changes in these
>>> updates should be discussed with the DBAs before, so that updates to
>>> the pipeline cause as few interruptions as possible.
>>>- TESTS:
>>> - Bias:
>>>   Subtracting resulting masterbias from its raw input frames
>>>   rawbias file name                       median          stddev          average         stddev
>>>   seWFI.2003-01-05T20C54C42.283_4.fits    -0.199997       18.876          -0.244914       18.8759
>>>   seWFI.2003-01-05T20C55C44.983_4.fits    -0.100006       18.9255         -0.161555       18.9254
>>>   seWFI.2003-01-05T20C56C42.354_4.fits    0.100006        18.89           0.00905352      18.8897
>>>   seWFI.2003-01-05T20C57C39.851_4.fits    0.100006        18.9164         -0.00907611     18.916
>>>   seWFI.2003-01-05T20C58C34.232_4.fits    0               18.8818         -0.0418041      18.8818
>>>   seWFI.2003-01-05T20C59C33.157_4.fits    0               18.881          -0.0651421      18.8809
>>>   seWFI.2003-01-05T21C00C32.066_4.fits    0               18.8516         -0.0559038      18.8515
>>>   seWFI.2003-01-05T21C01C33.362_4.fits    0               18.888          -0.0407198      18.888
>>>   seWFI.2003-01-05T21C02C30.338_4.fits    0.100006        18.8894         0.000104276     18.8891
>>>   seWFI.2003-01-05T21C03C29.919_4.fits    0.100006        18.9252         0.0489991       18.9252
>>>   (Is there a numerical round-off occurring in the median computation?).
>>> - DomeFlat:
>>>   Flatfielding biassubtracted raw domeflatframes using the processed
>>>   domeflat. ( SEM = std. error)
>>>   flatfielded raw flatfield filename          median      stddev          average stddev
>>>   dseWFI.2003-01-06T21C59C26.278_4.fits       17778.8     90.3731         17778.1 90.3702
>>>   dseWFI.2003-01-06T22C00C53.969_4.fits       19056.3     94.5017         19055.6 94.4991
>>>   dseWFI.2003-01-06T22C02C15.050_4.fits       19074.4     94.4472         19073.4 94.4418
>>> - TwilightFlats:
>>>   Flatfielding biassubtracted raw twilightflatframes using the processed
>>>   twilightflat. ( SEM = std. error)
>>>   flatfielded raw flatfield filename          median  stddev          average stddev
>>>   dseWFI.2003-01-04T00C17C43.159_4.fits       17885.3 122.664         17886   122.662
>>>   dseWFI.2003-01-04T00C19C14.085_4.fits       17161.4 134.724         17161.9 134.723
>>>   dseWFI.2003-01-04T00C21C01.056_4.fits       16581.6 151.299         16582.4 151.297
>>> - Astrometry:
>>>   From visual inspection of stars from the USNO catalog overplotted
>>>   on the image, the astrometric solution determined by the pipeline
>>>   seems to be very accurate even out to the edges.
>>>   Hard numbers:
>>>   mean position differences in arcsec:
>>>   RA            DEC
>>>   -0.0002       0.0001
>>>   mean sigma of the position differences in arcsec:
>>>   RA            DEC
>>>   0.4199        0.4021
>>>Dr. Mark J. Neeser
>>>Institute for Astronomy and Astrophysics,       _/       _/     _/ _/_/  _/
>>>Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitaet Muenchen       _/ _/  _/_/     _/ _/ _/	_/
>>>                                             _/   _/  _/ _/  _/ _/  _/_/
>>>Scheinerstrasse 1,                           _/       _/   _/_/ _/    _/
>>>D-81679 Muenchen, Germany
>>>Tel: +49-89-2180-5995
>>>Fax: +49-89-2180-6003
>>>email:  neeser at usm.uni-muenchen.de
>>>News mailing list
>>>News at astro-wise.org
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