[News] new eclipse functionality

Roeland Rengelink rengelin at strw.LeidenUniv.nl
Wed Sep 17 17:06:05 CEST 2003


I've added two new functions to eclipse and the eclipse-Python interface 
which requires a rebuild of eclipse and requires a new external package 

The functions are

image.subtract_oscan_rows(x0, x1)

     '''subtract the median of columns x0-x1 from each row'''

image.fft(real, imaginary=None, direction=-1):

     '''Do a Fast Fourier Transorm

     real -- An image containing the real values
     image -- An image containing the imaginary values (default=None)
     direction -- -1 (forward, default) or inverse (1)

     Returns a tuple of images representing the real and imaginary part
     of the fourier transformed data

For updated installation instructions see the README

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