[WP3] Preparing for a fresh start

Danny R. Boxhoorn danny at astro.rug.nl
Mon Mar 1 12:37:32 CET 2004

Dear all,

The time has come to move the `STABLE' tag to the most recent version
of the Python sources. The current situation is that the `STABLE' tag
has been removed completely. It will be replaced by the tag `AWBASE'
which we are attaching to all files. Note that this may change in the
future as Fedor and I are still discussing the tagging matter.

I expect that you can start with a fresh database this week.
It would be nice if Jan and Fedor could try to make sense of the text in
opipe/docs/DBCHANGES where all changes to the database schema have been
logged. If you don't have time for that or simply don't want to worry,
that's fine. But if you do try to perform all schema evolution steps I
would very much like to hear comments from you.

When you have confirmed that you are ready for the move to the latest version
of the database schema, please inform us. After that I'll announce the move
on the Astro-Wise news mailing list.

More news on this later.


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