[WP3] SourceList Class

Kor G. Begeman kgb at astro.rug.nl
Thu Mar 25 14:09:20 CET 2004

Hi All,

I just implemented three new methods on SourceList, make_skycat, area_search and 
sql_query. The methods are documented in the code (i.e. with 
help(sl.sources.make_skycat) where sl is an instance of a SourceList) and in the 

Mark, maybe the area_search routine could help you in searching through 
different sourcelists. Meanwhile we are still looking into the problem you reported.



Dr. Mark Neeser wrote:
> Hi all,
> while experimenting with SourceList queries to the data-base,
> Jan and I found the following potential problem:
> It seems that a search for a region that lies WITHIN a source list
> is not logically implemented.
> This is easier to understand in an example:
> Suppose that we have a source list with
> sourcelist: llRA=12.54,
> then, a query of the form:
> sl = (SourceList.llRA > 12 )
> sl = (SourceList.llRA > 12.5 )
> sl = (SourceList.llRA > 12.54 )
> all work, but a query of the form:
> sl = (SourceList.llRA > 12.55 )
> does not work.
> It seems that SourceList.llRA==12.54 but not > 12.55 and, therefore,
> the query fails.
> Of course, the search could be made to work with a multiple "or"
> statement, but even in this case it seems that you can only get
> back the COMPLETE source list, and not the searched for sub-section
> of the source list.
> Please have a look if you can repeat this at your respective sites,
> and that we are just not doing an incorrect query or source list
> implementation.
> Cheers,
> Mark
> =====================================================
> Dr. Mark J. Neeser
> Institute for Astronomy and Astrophysics,       _/       _/     _/ _/_/  _/
> Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitaet Muenchen       _/ _/  _/_/     _/ _/ _/	_/
>                                               _/   _/  _/ _/  _/ _/  _/_/
> Scheinerstrasse 1,                           _/       _/   _/_/ _/    _/
> D-81679 Muenchen, Germany
> Tel: +49-89-2180-5995
> Fax: +49-89-2180-6003
> email:  neeser at usm.uni-muenchen.de
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Dr. K.G. Begeman
Kapteyn Institute
University of Groningen
Postbus 800                         NL-9700 AV Groningen
Landleven 12                        NL-9747 AD Groningen
The Netherlands
Telephone                           +31-(0)50-3634059/4073
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e-Mail                              kgb at astro.rug.nl
WWW                                 http://www.astro.rug.nl/~kgb

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