[WP3] New installation instructions astro-wise

Kor G. Begeman kgb at astro.rug.nl
Sat Jan 22 14:20:01 CET 2011


Finally we inform you that you can now try to install the intended
astro-wise software via the awesetup script.  Due to problems with the
GRID in Groningen we did not have time to verify whether the
software works on the GRID.  This we will check next week.  We have
however updated the dpu server and client software which should now be
capable of handling python 2.7 code!

We have (thanks to Philippe) updated our documentation about how to
install the stuff which is included below:

On the machine where you want to install the astro-wise software, do:

#> wget http://www.astro-wise.org/awesoft/awesetup -O awesetup
#> chmod a+x awesetup
#> ./awesetup -h

The above command gives you a list of all possible options.  You only
need the following commands:

#> ./awesetup distro=astro awehome=$HOME/awehome

This will use $HOME/awehome for the base of the installation, you can
choose something different if you want.  This will install python 2.7.1
and the oracle client libraries version 11.2 together with the common
and astro executables.

We have tested the awesetup on redhat 5.5, redhat 6.0, suse enterprise
11.0  and (probably) Ubuntu 10.04 LTS.  If you have a different
architecture and encounter problems with awesetup, please inform us.  If
it would be possible for you to give us an account on that machine we 
can help you try to find out what the problems are.

In your .cshrc, .tcshrc or .profile you can put the following to place
the awe-executable in your path:

for sh like shells:

export AWEHOME
export PATH
# At least for SuSE you have to specify LD_LIBRARY_PATH

for csh like shells:

setenv AWEHOME $HOME/awehome
set awearch=`$AWEHOME/AWBASE/common/util/targetplatform.py`
setenv PATH ${PATH}:$AWEHOME/$awearch/local/bin
# At least for SuSE you have to specify LD_LIBRARY_PATH
setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH $AWEHOME/$awearch/instantclient_11_2
unset awearch

Note that when you have a private cvs checkout of the python common and
astro code, you should set the AWEPIPE environment variable to the path 
where common and astro can be found!

After this you have to edit $HOME/.awe/Environment.cfg to put in

database_user           : <to be edited>
database_password       : <to be edited>
database_name           : <to be edited>
database_api            : cx_Oracle
database_engine         : oracle_11g
data_port               : 8000
data_server             : <to be edited>
testdata_dir            : http://cvs.astro-wise.org:8000

Note that some of these items might already have been defined correctly
in $AWEHOME/AWBASE/astro/config/Environment.cfg!

After installing and editing all the above stuff, you should login again
and create a directory test, cd to this directory and run the tests in
$AWEHOME/AWBASE/astro/test i.e.:

#> env AWEVERSION=AWBASE awe $AWEHOME/AWBASE/astro/test/regression_test.py
#> env AWEVERSION=current awe $AWEHOME/current/astro/test/regression_test.py

You should at least try the functional and processing tests (options -f
and -p), and they should give no errors.

At Groningen we run all possible tests daily with an experimental script
(astro/experimental/coverage_test.py) which produces nice output in
html.  The results can be viewed here:
http://www.astro-wise.org/awetest.  If you want to run this you have to
install an extra module named coverage which can be obtained from

You can inform us where we can find your webpage with the results of the

When you have a non-standard operating system and are satisfied with
your installed version of astro-wise you may upload the binary stuff as
a tarball to our server via:

#> awe $AWEHOME/AWBASE/install/util/awesetup/py exename=grid-install-awe 
distro=astro-build runsetup=0

You might help other users with a similar os!


Danny & Kor


Dr. K.G. Begeman
Kapteyn Institute
University of Groningen
Postbus 800                         NL-9700 AV Groningen
Landleven 12                        NL-9747 AD Groningen
The Netherlands
Telephone                           +31-(0)50-3632454/4073
Telefax                             +31-(0)50-3636100
e-Mail                              kgb at astro.rug.nl
WWW                                 http://www.astro.rug.nl/~kgb

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