[Comm2011] Evalso data transfer

Ewout M. Helmich helmich at astro.rug.nl
Fri Aug 12 08:28:35 CEST 2011

Hi Andy and Stefano,

It seems things are running again. There was the big gap between these 
files on the ESO FTP server, which is when I mailed you:

-rw-r--r--    1 8004       vlt         141612480 Aug 10 13:12 

-rw-r--r--    1 8004       vlt         390818880 Aug 11 22:55 

Now the latest file is:

-rw-r--r--    1 8004       vlt         222799680 Aug 12 06:22 

So I think we're good again.


On 08/11/2011 10:59 PM, Stefano Zampieri wrote:
> Dear Ewout, DHA, Andy
>  evalso_2 (the evalso machine @Paranal) is not reachable anymore from
>  dta-srv (the FTP server in garching) so it's either the network or
>  the evalso_2 system. I can't do any further check from here.
>  DHA: please check if evalso_2 is still alive and if you can ping dta-srv
>  Andy: is the network between evalso_2 and dta-srv all right ?
> Stefano
> PS
> I'm on holiday until the end of next week but I will try to read my
> email more or less regularly
> On 11/08/2011 15:20, Ewout M. Helmich wrote:
>> Hi Stefano/DHA,
>> When I log in to the ESO FTP server dta-srv.hq.eso.org it looks like the
>> data transfer for Evalso-light has stopped again; there should be more
>> images for 10 aug.
>> Regards,
>> Ewout Helmich

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