[KIDS] CCD 82 handling in ESO-DR1

jelte at strw.leidenuniv.nl jelte at strw.leidenuniv.nl
Wed Jan 16 11:59:38 CET 2013

Dear all,

production of Coadds for  ESO-DR1 is starting this week.
One of the decisions to be made that possibly affects Coadd production is
the handling of CCD 82 in cases where it is unstable.
After last weeks telecon two options are still on the table:
1. putting the weight of CCD 82 to 0 in the weight frames
2. masking CCD 82 and flagging sources in the sourcelists

The first option would affect the processing (when/how to detect
instability in CCD 82; when to set the weights to 0), while the second
option does not affect production up to coadds.

Since the weights option may cause problems, such as getting
a 'hole' in the coadds and affecting photometry in the whole field, I suggest
that we go for the second option.
This also ensures that for science cases that can still use the CCD 82
data, the
imaging data and detected sources are provided in the data release.
In the release notes/paper we will of course clearly have to point out the
that CCD 82 suffers from.

By the end of this week we should have a final decision on this, so if
anyone has
pressing arguments against choosing option 2, please voice them now!


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